Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Destination Day

Finding a great hotel in Matehama, Mexico, Carol and I enjoyed a great gourmet breakfast at the hotel resturant. We highly recommend Las Palmas Mid Way Hotel in this quite remarkable little town which welcomes travelors going into the belly of Mexico. With huge palms and beautiful natural landscaping, the accomodations were great. It rained that night so the car was freshly washed and we didn't worry at all about our precious cargo inside.

We headed out toward the mountains and spent the entire day navigating the winding roads throughout the mountain ranges. Everywhere we looked we saw concrete plants and bolders of rock which were crushed and poured into wonderful works of art everywhere along the way. We lost count of the places where we saw thousands of statues, pillars, clay pots, etc. Harding working artisians were all along the roads winding through many small towns. We could not resist stopping at the wonderous areas when we saw the beautiful and colorful painted ceramics offered at every crossroad of major intersections of the highways. I found a moon with a smile that I could not resist. Carol being the one who could say more than one word in Spanish (she actually knows about four) bargined the price for me.

Going through Guadalara was another adventure. Finally we flagged one of Mexico's finest to ask for help. To our relief, he signaled us to follow him and he stopped traffic for us to stay up with him as he led us for over 20 minutes through the city toward the correct path out of his city and on toward the Lake Cahala area and to our destination. We offered him a generous tip and he refused. With very little spoken communication, he showed us the genuine hospitally that Mexico offers to visitors to their country. We called Dan to tell him to get ready we were home.

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